Das Spiel. Are you part of The Game?

Das Spiel is the award-winning mind-reading show by Austrian illusionist, mentalist and performer Philipp Oberlohr. It is an innovative and genre-defying experience that brings people together:

Das Spiel takes strangers and turns them into friends” (David Duchin, The Peoples’ Show London).

June 1st and June 2nd, 2023 @ Creative Cluster, Victor-Christ-Gasse 10, 1050 Vienna

Shows in English. Eintritt: Freiwillige Spenden. Seating is limited and needs to be reserved in advance. Click Links below to reserve your seat via email.

Through a series of coincidences

the audience starts playing The Game. In the course of this Game Oberlohr reads the minds of the audience and knows things he cannot know – from birthdays to the names of old school friends.

At first, Oberlohr seems to be pulling the strings; but it turns out that he is also being played by this game.

Das Spiel has begun a long time ago and the supposed coincidences have long been predetermined – because:

Das Spiel wants to be played.


Gefördert mit den Bezirkskulturmitteln von Wien Margareten


Das Spiel. Trailer